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Intersect Art and Design, Aspen, USA
Centraal Museum, Utrecht, the Netherlands
'Fire and Fiber' Todd Merrill Studio, South Hampton NY, USA
Todd Merrill Studio at Bergdorf Goodman, New York, USA
BAD+ 2023 Bordeaux, France
COLLECTIBLE 2023, Brussels, Belgium
Design Miami/, Todd Merrill Studio, Miami, USA
PAN Amsterdam 2022, the Netherlands
GLUE amsterdam 2022, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Cosmoscow 2022 | Alina Pinsky Gallery, Moscow, Russia
BAD+ 2022 Bordeaux, France
COLLECTIBLE 2022, Brussels, Belgium
CODA Design Museum, Apeldoorn, the Netherlands
Homo Spatius. Designers de l’espace. Saint-Étienne, France
«The VESHCH! Talking objects» All-Russian Decorative Art Museum, Moscow, Russia
HISTORY OF RUSSIAN DESIGN. ESSENTIALS. Moscow Design Museum, The State Tretyakov Gallery, Russia
GMUND AWARD 2021 Exhibition, Gmund am Tegernsee, Germany
Paper positions. Basel / Basel Art Week, Basel, Switzerland
PAN Amsterdam 2021, the Netherlands
Ro Plastic Prize Exhibition 2021, Milan, Italy
GLUE Amsterdam 2021, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
'Design Dilemma' Mia Karlova Galerie 2021, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
COLLECTIBLE 2021, Brussels, Belgium
'A Life Less Ordinary' Mia Karlova Galerie, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Ambiente Trends 2021, Messe Frankfurt, Germany
Cosmoscow 2020 | Alina Pinsky Gallery, Moscow, Russia
Russian Collectible | Palisander Gallery, Moscow, Russia
German Design Award, Frankfurt am Main, Germany
ICONIC AWARDS Innovative Interior, Koeln, Germany
II Competition-Biennale 'Invented and Made in Russia' Moscow, Russia
Dutch Design Week, Piet Hein Eek Gallery, Eindhoven, the Netherlands
History of Russian design 1917-2017, Russia
A' Design Award Exhibitions, Worldwide
A' Design Award Exhibitions at MOOD 2018
A' Design Award Exhibitions, Worldwide 2017-2018
A' Design Award Exhibitions, Worldwide
Gathering by Li Edelkoort at the Milan Design Week, Milan, Italy
Exhibition of russian design PREDMET, Moscow, Russia
Gathering by Lidewij Edelkoort at DMH, Holon, Israel
jpb ART/Jean-Pierre Botella Gallery, Saint-Tropez, France
Leeum, Samsung Museum of Art, Seoul, Korea
Florence Design Week, Florence, Italy
Gdynia Design Days 2012, Gdansk, Poland
International Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Innovations INNOPROM, Russia
Wired's month-long pop-up exhibition, New York, USA
Clerkenwell Design Week 2011, London, Great Britain
Contemporary Russian design at Heritage Gallery auction, Moscow, Russia
DESIGNEAST.EU OFFLINE EXHIBITION, Budapest, Hungary - Prague, Czech Republic
Exhibition of Czech winners of Red dot design award, Seoul, Republic of Korea
International festival of industrial design DESIGN ACT, Moscow, Russia
Sretenka Design Week, Moscow, Russia
The 61st Berlin international film festival, Berlin, Germany
International festival of industrial design DESIGN ACT, Moscow, Russia
Moscow Design Week 2010, Russia
Sretenka Design Week, Moscow, Russia
International Days of Design of the Baltic States - Gdynia Design Days’ 08, Gdansk, Poland
International festival of industrial design DESIGN ACT, Moscow, Russia
Red dot design museum, Singapore
International festival of industrial design DESIGN ACT, Moscow, Russia
Design Innovation Awards, Moscow, Russia
MIDO Exhibition, Milan, Italy
ORGATEC, Cologne, Germany
Prague Toy Fair, Czech Republic
SaloneSatellite I Saloni WorldWide, Moscow, Russia
Design Innovation Awards, Moscow, Russia
Promosedia International Chair Exhibition, Udine, Italy
SaloneSatellite I Saloni WorldWide, Moscow, Russia
100% Design, Moscow, Russia
Design Innovation Awards, Moscow, Russia
iF Design Award Exhibition, Hanover, Germany
Il Salone del Mobile, GROHE showroom, Milan, Italy
International festival of architecture and interior design, Moscow, Russia
Salone dell‘ Arredo Bagno, Milan, Italy
Design Innovation Awards, Moscow, Russia
"Without the name", Omsk, Russia
Furniture Fair, Moscow, Russia
"Made in Omsk", Omsk, Russia

International Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Innovations INNOPROM, Russia

International Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Innovations INNOPROM, Russia

On July 12-15, the Third International Exhibition and Forum of Industry and Innovations “INNOPROM” was held at Ekaterinburg-Expo IEC. The theme of INNOPROM-2012 is ”Technologies for People: Planning the Future, Building the Future.”

Almost 500 companies took part in the exhibition as exhibitors. Among them there were over 50 companies from the USA, Germany, France, Italy, Turkey, Czech Republic, Belarus, and other countries. There is an obvious increase in participants, both in terms of their number (400 companies in 2011) and their quality (36 international companies in 2011).

During these 4 days, almost 57,000 people visited the exhibition (43,000 in 2011).

About 90 events were held as part of the business program. Among them are forecast session “We Plan the Future,” plenary session “We Build the Future: Industrial Growth for Humanity” attended by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, the Industrial Design Forum, the International Conference on Technical Regulation, round tables, discussions, and presentations.

The Exhibition and the Forum were visited by 38 delegations from 32 countries, which totals 500 people (250 people in 2011). Among them are the ambassadors of the US, Denmark, Lithuania, leaders of such large international companies as Siempelkamp, Bombardier, DuPont, Siemens, Philips, 3M, and others. 18 events were held with participation of the Minister of International and Foreign Economic Relations of Sverdlovsk Region and international delegations.

В рамках форума промышленности и инноваций прошел круглый стол на тему «Предметный дизайн и менеджмент продвижения продукта». Инициатором круглого стола выступил оргкомитет «Евразийской Премии».

В обсуждении приняли участие
Умберто Джираудо, руководитель направления Промышленный дизайн в Британской Высшей Школе Дизайна в Москве,
Дмитрий Немзоров, промышленный дизайнер, обладатель престижной премии Red Dot 2012 в номинации Product (российскому дизайнеру подобная премия вручена впервые за 50 лет),
Быстрова Татьяна, доктор философских наук, профессор кафедры ИМК и брендинга факультета связей с общественностью и рекламы УрГУ им. А.М. Горького,
Сергей Кропотов, доктор философии, ректор Екатеринбургской Академии современного искусства,
Салмин Леонид, профессор кафедры графического дизайна УралГАХА, кандидат искусствоведения, член Союза дизайнеров России директр дизайн-студии ООО "Студия ГРАФО", издатель и главный редактор журнала "PLATINUM",
Шашмурин Сергей, промышленный дизайнер, член Союза дизайнеров России, Лауреат российских и международных конкурсов по пром. Дизайну, руководитель дизайнерского бюро «Уральского оптико-механического завода»,
Дмитрий Макеев, куратор направления Промышленного дизайна в БВШД.
Модератором круглого стола стал Вадим Кибардин, знаменитый русский дизайнер, получивший множество престижных наград, включая iF Award и reddot Award в Германии, русский Design Innovations Award, Promosedia International Design Competition в Италии и в Японии Гран- при в Charman design competition, Design and Design Award во Франции, стипендию федерального канцлера Германии.

Начав обсуждение с вопроса о том, является ли дизайн главным или вспомогательным инструментом в маркетинге продукта, спикеры пришли к выводу, что ответ на этот вопрос диаметрально противоположный применительно к России на фоне развитых мировых держав. Начавшаяся с такого неутешительного вывода горячая дискуссия продолжилась по следующим вопросам. Обсуждали футуродизайн и инвестиции в дизайн, разбирались в том, существует ли русская школа дизайна и как вписать отечественные фабрики в мировой контекст. Иннопромовская аудитория, отведенная под заседание круглого стола, была набита до отказа слушателями, среди которых были представители СМИ, практикующие дизайнеры и представители производственных компаний, кому не безразлична судьба выпускаемой их предприятиями продукции и перспективы ее конкурентоспособности на фоне вступления России в ВТО.

Press conference




Master Class

Photos and information are contributed by Eurasian Prize Сommittee, INNOPROPM Press-Center, Pavel Maltsev, Victor Bragin, ZOOM ZOOM.