Red dot Design Award, Concept, Germany, winner

Red dot design concept 2008, winner
Freedom 2010 phone
Every year, the red dot award: design concept invites the most talented designers and most progressive companies from all over the world to submit their best design ideas to rigorous adjudication process.
This year, from out of 1,906 entries, the jury awarded 170 red dot awards, 20 red dot: best of the best awards and 1 red dot: luminary. An impractical idea, a figment of imagination or a stroke of genius, that has the power to improve our world in the future? This is the elusive answer that all designers and businesses seek and rewards await for those enlightened. The red dot award: design concept answers these questions by inviting the most talented designers and most progressive companies from all over the world to submit their best design ideas to rigorous adjudication process.
Each year, an independent panel of jury, that is design expert, gather at the red dot design museum in Singapore to meticulously scrutinize each entry to the competition. Through a series of examination and debate, exceptional design concepts are identified and awarded with the international coveted “red dot”. This seal, a mark of excellence, sends a strong and indisputable signal that demands attention to both the design concept and designer.

photo:, Karina Eganyan