iF Design Award, Concept, Germany, winner

iF Design Award, section - concepts, Germany, winner.
T-Shirt Dictionary
if Design Award went away to a Russian for the first time. Vadim Kibardin with his work “Dictionary-T-shirt” in the nomination “Concepts” won the award. if Design Award is just as prestigious in Industrial Design as the Red Dot Award. It was established in 1954. As is wont in German contests, it is known for its strict criteria and competent jury.

The works of the winners of the contest are exhibited in iF Design Award Exhibition.
iF award was established in 1954 by the iF Industrie Forum Design Hannover of e.V organization and has obtained a widely known reputation throughout world. Today the competition is considered to be one of the most important contests in the world, which draws about 1800 participants from 30 different countries every year. The judges of the contest are the leading specialists of design. They critically examine and select worthy participants, also they guarantee the status and reputation of the award itself. In 2004 there were 1458 participants from 32 countries. The competition has different nominations: “Communication design”, “Product Design”, “Packaging Design”, “Public Design”, “Transportation Design” and finally, a student-oriented nomination: “Concepts”. In office furniture and illumination design sphere BULO, WINI, Konig+Neurath AG, ClassiCon, Martinstoll, Waldmann, Artemide, Delta Lite were awarded over the years. Companies and design- studios use the brand iF as the symbol of the products’ and services’ quality. For the buying design-oriented public iF serves as a tool for decision making at the market. Furthermore, iF is the symbol of the company’s adherence to innovations and its will to face competition.
photo: Vadim Kibardin