Is everyone buying replicas KIBARDIN Clock?
KIBARDIN products are inspired by real life – they have ingenuity, flair, and thought all bundled up for our customers at unbeatable prices. We are so popular that counterfeiters have started using – or rather misusing – our popularity, and there are shallow people out there selling fakes using our name! We've done some stealthy research (after communications from some unhappy customers to whom counterfeits were sold) and discovered that copycat KIBARDIN products are indeed being manufactured and sold to vulnerable customers. Our products have thousands of hours of research and development behind them, and are engineered and re-engineered to perfection, to suit you and to be better than the rest! Our products are unique and have their own panache, which is why they can be copied but never recreated – the fakes will never have the spirit, research, thought and above all the quality in them!

Previously, the fake White and White Clocks could be identified by slight differences from the real KIBARDIN White and White Clock. With the KIBARDIN release of the new White and White Clock, the counterfeiters have also become more precise and the visual differences between a genuine and a fake White and White Clock are becoming much more difficult to determine.

We're dedicated to giving you the best that KIBARDIN has to offer, from masterful design and features to spectacular support and services. Genuine KIBARDIN White and White Clocks come with a 2-year warranty – we will be happy to replace your products in case anything goes wrong with them or they break, which won't be the case with a fake. With the original KIBARDIN product you also get the 30 day return merchandise authorization option, not so with fakes!

Counterfeit accessories hurt our business and your warranty claim – and it leaves a bad taste in the shoppers’ mouth; in short it benefits nobody but the scamster. If you were tricked into buying a fake KIBARDIN product or have spotted one online or at any physical retailer – please do take a moment and help us nab the trickster! Please send as email with information about date, place and name of the trickster.

To avoid being deceived, we suggest that you buy KIBARDIN products directly from our websites –